I always walk my dogs on the same route, first thing every morning. Walking the same route over and over puts me into auto pilot, thinking about what’s ahead for the day. My dogs are the antidote to this. They constantly alert me to something new and different on our route - a squirrel! A lime scooter! Someone’s half eaten ice cream pop, melted into a delicious looking puddle!

They are my little pals and they keep me in the present moment. Also, the puppy has learned how to knock my phone out of my hand so I can pet him, which is annoyingly helpful.

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1. The secret place under the cedar tree where Yuritzi stores her best sticks.

2. A shop in Reims that advertises truffles, that I always thought was a candy shop, until last year when I took a good look and saw that it is a shop that SELLS TRUFFLES. Whole ones, big and small. I really hope it's still there. It is definitely in the power vortex of hot spots.

3. The bar in Reims where a small group of knitters gathers to knit and have cocktails.

Alas no one in my vicinities has ever hung a transparent purse full of Lucky Charms for me to find.

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